
The latest eCommerce numbers have been released by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) upto Q3 2020 (Q1 FY21).

The eCommerce market size for the year upto Q3 2020 was 96B PKR (assuming a 60% COD volume), prepayment was 39B over the same period.

There are now 2,164 merchants who accept prepayment methods which is a large jump from the previous quarter.

AOV of prepayment orders has continued to fall down to 3,50 PKR from 4,750 in during the same quarter in 2018.

There are now 43k orders a day via prepayment method (in Q3 2020) on Pakistani merchants up from 24k and 13k in the same quarter in 2019 and 2018

The full report is available on the SBP website but as always I have put everything into an excel file which is publicly available here

Pakistan eCommerce until September 2020


Estimated Loss per year

Rs. 0
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