Steps for a Faster eCommerce Checkout Process

I have to confess, buying online is more fun than going to shopping stores. But to make an online store more popular, the checkout process should be as fast as possible as well as easy for customers. Unfortunately, not all eCommerce stores currently have a good checkout process.

So what can you do as an eCommerce store owner in Pakistan to improve your checkout process?

In this guide, you will get to know 3 simple steps you can follow to make your eCommerce checkout process faster.

In order to that first, we should know little details of how a Checkout process actually works.

So how does a checkout process works?

A checkout process generally works in 6 steps:

Reviewing Items

Product Page

Shopping Cart Page

Payment Information

Shipping and Billing Information

Confirm Order

These are the steps that are involved in a checkout. These steps may seem fine but where does it all go wrong?

There are many reasons why Shoppers  may abandon the cart during the checkout process such as:

  • Extra costs too high
  • The site wanted me to create an account
  • delivery was too slow
  • Too long/complicated checkout process
  • I don't trust the site with my credit card information

These are the top reasons why Shoppers Abandon the cart during the checkout process. Now, what can you do as a small-scale eCommerce store owner to fix this issue? How can you increase your Conversion Rates?

Let's dive into the solutions now!

If you can simplify the process or eliminate some steps, it can increase conversions. One of the best ways to increase conversion is by providing a likely reason for consumers to choose you instead of another retailer. eCommerce stores that Target local Shoppers offering them a great price point and attractive offers increase the conversion rate up to 50%. A shopper can choose to explore their options and leave if they don't like what they see or how quickly they get their purchase. A simple and straightforward system helps maximize the number of active Shoppers who receive your offers.

How can we implement this?

There are many ways you can use to fix this issue such as:

  1. Many eCommerce retailers have begun introducing a Guest checkout option. This is a way for customers to experience checkout without having to register. When put into place it can help decrease the possibility of customers leaving your site because they could not complete their order. Making the process easier for customers can also lead to more sales as they won't face any additional difficulties at the time of purchase.
  2. Many shoppers don't trust the eCommerce site with their card details in order to Solve this Issue You can integrate your eCommerce store with bSecure so that you can make your checkout process Faster and secure increasing your Conversion Rates with low cart abandonments.
  3. Another way to improve your checkout process is to remind the shopper of benefits you provide when they shop from you such as fast shipping, free returns, and more.

These are the 3 simple steps you can follow to make your Checkout process simple and faster.

Sign Up now with bSecure the One-Click checkout solution for your business with a strong focus on security and unifying major Payment Gateways.

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